Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kirby's Kluckers

The more you know about food and where it comes from, the more paralyzing shopping is. My ideal shopping cart would include food that is grown locally, without antibiotics, and is nutritious. It should be from animals that are raised with all their original parts, natural habitats should be minimally impacted to grow and harvest the food, it should be packaged in environmentally friendly packaging, no workers should be exploited in the growing and harvesting process, and minimal oil should burned to transport it. Oh, and I would like it to be delicious please. Is that too much to ask?

There is a guy at our local farmer's market that sells chickens. From his sign I can only infer that his name is Kirby, and I have been buying his Kluckers for the past several weeks now. I was so excited when he showed up at the farmers market because the chickens in the local supermarket are barely passable as meat. They are generally droopy and fatty, and I shudder to think what the conditions they are raised under might be. I am always looking to shop locally, but ironically our nation's heartland doesn't produce much beyond corn and soybeans (which you can't find in the supermarket btw). So, when I saw the local Kluckers, I excitedly bought as many as would fit into my freezer. Kirby's sign also has messages scrawled on it about "natural" and "no antibiotics, no hormones". Wow, that's all great I thought.

Well more recently I have thought to ask Kirby the details of his chicken operation. He tells me that he raises about 70,000 "birds" a year, and he raises them in 9x12 roofless buildings each containing about 80 birds.
9x12: that's how big our new patio is. When I imagine 80 birds living on our patio, it is not a paradise that I am envisioning. The birds are obviously cramped. And unlike "free-range" chickens these chickens do not have access to the fields around them (although I understand most free-range birds aren't smart enough to venture outside anyway).

"Well, do they all have thier beaks?" I ask
"Yeah, they have their beaks" says Kirby.
I explained to Kirby that I had read somewhere that people who raise chickens will frequently pull off thier beaks so that they don't peck eachother all up while they're mashed together in thier ridiculously undersized cages.
"I feed 'em lots of protein, and when they have enough protein they don't peck"
"I had understood that they pecked because they were stressed from the tight living quarters, but you're saying that their trying to eat eachother?" I asked.
Kirby turned to me in a nice, but pitying, special ed teacher kind of voice and said:
"Well did you know that meat has protein?"
"Yes, I did know that" I say.
"Well if they get protein then they don't peck.
Apparently the tightly packed birds are actually trying to gobble each other up.

Whatever. All I know is that I have basically 3 options for poultry at this time.
#1: buy floppy, fatty Tyson birds from the supermarket and feel terribly guilty while eating moderately edible chicken.
#2: buy Kirby's Kluckers and know the pea-brained birds aren't exactly living the dream, but at least they have their beaks, and also know a ton of fossil fuel wasn't used to get them to my dinner plate
#3: Don't eat chicken -- no way!

While I am disappointed that buying food in an environmentally and socially responsible, and animal-friendly way is all but impossible in America's heartland, I am comforted to at least know that my fried chicken never knew the displeasure of going beakless.


Terry G. said...

Time to start raising some chickens with Thena and Lucy doing the herding!!????

Jonesy said...

That is an excellent idea, and one I had thought of in the past, but Keith basically put the kabosh on it. I still think it could work!!! Just think of all the fresh eggs we would have!

Kat G said...

You'd have to then kill your own chickens. You are generally tougher than me, but I know that left to my own devices, I'd have to be a vegetarian. I just can kill and pluck Mr. Peckers. I just can't. Even though chickens are aggressively mean little bastards.

You do have another option: happy frozen chickens shipped to you from not too far away. If you stockpile you reduce the fuel AND get happy chickens. I even found a site for you:

However, having a few choice chickens the don't try to kill me in my sleep so that I can have eggs would be kind of awesome. Particularly if I could have one of these coops in red to match my car!

Jenn said...

OMG! I love that Kirby asked if you know that "meat has protein". Good thing I'm home so only Mike raises his brow at my uncontrollable laughter at your plight.

More seriously, I'd go for locally cramped beaked birds over shipped. Especially if there really are no antibiotics, etc at Kirby's.

Jonesy said...

Those are excellent links, Kat. Rather than complaining incessantly about lack of grass fed whatever, I should probably have done a little internet research first. I am excited to buy some cow parts! Now I only wish I had invested in a bigger freezer... I also have grand dreams of raising pigs in the back yard, but yet again Keith is a nay-sayer. I think he will eventually come around.

Tiny said...

Veronica's friend Linda, raises chickens in Renton. She has about a dozen in an area about the size of one of Kirby's coops. The rest of the yard and the house are spotless.