Monday, June 15, 2009

P is for Potager

I was going to wait until this project was finished to show it off, but as it may never actually get finished I have decided to post some pictures. So behold the potager! (that's french for prissy kitchen garden). Stuff's not really growing yet since it's been really cloudy and wet here this spring, but soon those little boxes will be full of delightful veggies, herbs and flowers. I even went so far as to plant a couple of rose bushes. This turns out to have been a mistake -- they are already dying, but I have no regrets.

Other random photos


Jeffrey Gautreaux said...

Nice potaging! I am quite impressed! Best of luck on getting stuff to grow. I'm sure it will be great.

Terry G. said...

Beautiful!!! Don't give up on rose bushes too early-- give them at least 2 seasons; I've had 'em come back from the dead several times

Jenn said...

Lovely garden, sis! Can't wait to drool over the descriptions of all the wonderful meals you will be making with it :)

Terry G. said...

It's even better when you see this in person, on site!! This is going to look/be great!! And the roses are fine--more horseradish and more garlic needed!! I can provide!!! Talk to me about compost/manure tea--it's wonderful as fert-- and controls pests as well!!!

Heath Jones said...

Wow! That is a gorgeous creation! You've been a busy girl. It already looks great, finished or not.